Friday, December 26, 2008

Standing On The Equator

It's time for the South of Watford winter break. The destination this time is Ecuador, where I hope to be spending the next three weeks. If that sounds a bit doubtful it's because a combination of documentation issues, the airline we are going with, and the fact the flight is not direct all leave open the possibility that something could go horribly wrong and I might be back at my laptop tomorrow. Whatever happens it promises to be a very long day.

Unfortunately my absence means that I will miss the traditional end of year mass/anti government rally organised by the Catholic Church. Meanwhile, if I understood his speech correctly, the King of Spain is going to lead by example - "tirando del carro" - to drag Spain out of economic crisis. Hardly surprising given that so many members of his family appear to be unemployed. Feliz Año Nuevo!

1 comment:

Tom said...

Enjoy! We'll be in the tropics in a day or two as well. Though Canberra and New South Wales have been pleasant enough, the promise of 'monsoonal showers and storms' in Darwin has proven too much to resist. Happy new year (in 40 mins) from Australia!