The Partido Popular has little time for thinking these days, dedicated as it is almost full time to the defence of the corrupt. It's not really what they do best anyway. So when the PP does take on other issues it soon becomes clear that they haven't really thought them through. This week we have had almost simultaneous proposals from the party that would reduce the age of penal responsibility to 12 whilst at the same time restricting access of the under 18's to social networking applications such as Facebook. The PP veers between a concept of purity and childhood innocence in some cases and regarding all children as potential monsters in others. On the one hand much of their opposition to the proposed abortion law reform is based around the suggestion that 16 year olds will be able to obtain an abortion without the consent of their parents. For the PP these are mere "chicas" who are clearly unable to make up their own minds on the issue of whether they want to be a parent or not. On the other hand the 13 year old who commits a crime is an evil monster who must be locked away for the good of society. I suppose it has the compensatory side effect that whilst you are serving time in one of the PP's youth prisons at least you will never have to receive the dreaded email message "Mariano Rajoy Added You As A Friend On Facebook".
«Se iban a estafar igual»
4 days ago
You know, I often agree so much with your posts that I don't really know what to leave as a comment - I have nothing to add. I still don't, but your first line today made me loud aloud. Brilliant.
I find myself agreeing with pueblo girl, the first line was particularly funny. As for the rest, well I tend to give politics in Spain a wide berth
I have tendency to switch channels whenever El Cerdo Rajoy comes on the telly. Currently this means I am watching quite a lot of Vicky The Viking on TVE2.
Never seen it myself, but I doon't doubt for a minute that Vicky The Viking talks more sense than Mariano.
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