Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Spanish Rescue....Rajoy Speaks Out

It's a South of Watford world exclusive. Spanish Prime Minister and well known man of action Mariano Rajoy spoke to this blog with unprecedented frankness on the possibility of his government asking for an EU financial rescue package. This is what he had to say:

"If we choose to ask for what you like to call a 'rescue' then we might do it; or not. On the other hand you could tell me what we might be doing. Today we are not asking, tomorrow we might. Or not. We've taken a difficult decision not to ask for it until we do. But first we need to know whether we will be asking for it or not. If we feel the need not to ask for the rescue then we must first establish what we are not asking for. Is berry difficul todo esto."



Coco said...

Oh, it wasn´t just me then. Makes you wonder exactly what he has written on those notes he uses.

Graeme said...

I don't know if you remember the time on TV a couple of years ago when Rajoy admitted that even he couldn't read his own notes. It's hard to parody something when the reality constantly outdoes all attempts to mimic it.

Lee said...

I always get the feeling he's living the actor's nightmare? Where he wakes up on stage in his pyjamas and has to perform Hamlet, or in his case, President.

Graeme said...

Sounds more like the audience's nightmare. Rajoy on stage in pyjamas! That's more the sort of thing that Hermann Tertsch does

Anonymous said...

lo has clavao!!!

The Seventh Sanctum said...

Thaanks for this