When thousands of Spanish football fans made monkey chants every time a black player touched the ball, this was of course hysterically funny and only a few humourless hypocrites failed to get the joke. Equally, who could forget the fine, subtle irony displayed by the Spanish basketball team pretending to be Chinese by stretching their eyes? But then a French puppet show makes a joke about one of Spain's poor defenceless millionaire tennis players and this is an unacceptable affront and official government complaints must be made to the French authorities.
«Se iban a estafar igual»
4 days ago
Up to a point, but one might take the view that complaining about calculated national insults is among a government's minor responsibilities. And never mind the "todos somos Contador" bollocks.
PS Could you turn the word verification down a notch or two from "impossible"?
As well as being a handy distraction from doing all those things that they said they wouldn't do before the elections. The word verification is out of my control I'm afraid.
Fantastically well put !
Lol. Great illustration of the point! :)
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