Maybe you have some doubts about whether Mariano Rajoy has really switched over to the far left, but the evidence is mounting. Not only is he opposed to plans helping out the bankers, now he's even turned on the military! Caught out yesterday by a live microphone, he was recorded telling Javier Arenas "Mañana tengo el coñazo del desfile", hardly the most patriotic thing to say about the annual military parade held in celebration of the Día de la Hispanidad. Last year, for the same occasion, a man claiming to be Mariano Rajoy issued a regal style video address to the nation where he called on all patriotic Spaniards to attend the parade with pride (and if they found time to shout anti-Zapatero slogans even better). Who said the PP hasn't changed?
«Se iban a estafar igual»
4 days ago
I'm waiting for Mariano el mariquita when the next gay pride parade comes round. Can't wait to see him atop a float with a bunch to TV's saying,"Look, we ARE modern, honest!"
Dia del Hispanidad: well, I saw the jets screaming over Colon, trailing red and yellow smoke, so we went down to Recoletos to investigate. We saw a parade featuring lots of soldiers, bloody big missile launchers, terrifying tanks and lots of other stuff. And it's entirely possible the King waved at me, but I only saw the hand in the back window of the limo, not the face.
You might still have to wait a bit longer for that one Troy. I'm definitely with Mariano on the parade, it is a coñazo and if you live in the centre of Madrid it's a week long coñazo as all the planes do their rehearsals. I can't think of a single good reason for military parades.
I think you'll probably find, keefieboy, that the hand you saw was just attached to a spring so that it waves in a suitable royal fashion. The king was already back at the palace getting ready for lunch.
Can't think of a single good reason for military parades? Well, down here in the sticks it's a good excuse for the locals to laze around in front of the TV after a long lunch and shout "hurrah!" - then go for a siesta feeling happy and secure.
Plus, we always feel happier knowing the bloody Madrileños are being woken up by fighter jets. :)
Excuses like that are easy enough to find, David - there's no need to call in the entire air force.
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